In 2023-24, through Bucks County Opportunity Council:
395 households avoided evictions
91 families moved out of homelessness
175 households received utility shutoff assistance (for electric, water, phone)
The focus of our Housing Services program is to help people in Bucks County overcome barriers (homelessness, eviction, or utility shutoff) to self-sufficiency and limit future need for help.
An experienced Self-Sufficiency Coach works with clients to assess the emergency, stabilize the situation and develop a plan to prevent future emergencies.
Individuals and families with annual household income at or below 200% of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Federal Poverty Income Guideline ($49,720 for a household of three and $60,000 for a household of four) may be eligible for one-time assistance to prevent or stabilize an emergency situation.
The Pathways to Housing programs provide short-term (up to 90 days) housing for single moms with children facing a housing crisis such as homelessness, or potential placement of children in the foster care system due to unstable housing. Families in the Pathways programs receive intensive case management with a focus on acquiring the skills and resources necessary to obtain secure and permanent housing within the 90 days, including how to increase income and identify safe housing solutions. Referrals to this program ONLY come from Bucks County Children & Youth.
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How Does BCOC Help?
How To Get Help
For renters behind on rent or facing other housing crises, call the Bucks County Housing Link: 1-800-810-4434. If you have a shut off for a utility (renter OR homeowner), stop into one of our Client Services offices for assistance.
The Housing Link Helpline is the starting point for families and individuals experiencing a housing crisis in Bucks County. After a brief screening with our helpline staff, families and individuals are referred to services based on vulnerability and need.
For more information, see the Bucks County Housing Link website.
All other Emergency Assistance, Contact the Bucks County Opportunity Council office location nearest you:
- Quakertown Client Services – 215-536-0353
- Doylestown Client Services – 267-733-0529
- Bristol Client Services – 215-781-2661
Or complete the Other Inquiries Contact Form