Fresh Connect Bucks County is a free farmers market offering fresh, healthy food to our hungry neighbors in Bucks County.
It returns to the same location on the same day at the same time each week, providing reliable and needed food to the 40,100 Bucks County residents facing hunger. Fresh Connect is a collaboration of Bucks County Opportunity Council, Philabundance, Rolling Harvest Food Rescue and St. Mary Medical Center, with funding by United Way of Bucks County.

Fresh Connect Locations & Hours of Operation:
Fresh Connect hours from March 1-April 1, 2025, will be as follows, or until the food runs out:
Tuesdays in Warminster: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
1100 Veterans Way, Warminster, PA 18974
Walk Through Method
Wednesdays in Quakertown: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
Quakertown Memorial Park, 600 W. Mill Street, Quakertown, PA 18951
Walk Through Method
1st & 3rd Thursdays in Palisades: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Palisades Middle School, 4710 Durham Road, Kitnersville, PA 18930
Drive Through Method
Fridays in Bristol: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
Bristol Township Municipal Park, 2501 Bath Road, Bristol, PA 19007
(Parking Lot)
Walk Through Method
Apply Here:
Pre-Registration Required
All Fresh Connect attendees must become registered. Limit one (1) registration per household.
You must be a Bucks County resident at or below the following gross income at the date of the application.
Once your application is approved, you will receive a keycard. Please bring it every time you come to Fresh Connect.
Income Requirements
Size |
Annual 300% |
300% |
1 | $46,950 | $3,913 |
2 | $63,450 | $5,288 |
3 | $79,950 | $6,663 |
4 | $96,450 | $8,038 |
5 | $112,950 | $9,413 |
6 | $129,450 | $10,788 |
7 | $145,950 | $12,163 |
8 | $162,450 | $13,538 |
Each Additional Member | $16,500 | $1,375 |
Walk-thru Distribution
Park within parking spots.
Take your medications, eat, and drink plenty of fluids before standing in line, particularly on hot days.
We try to present only the best quality items. You are free to refuse items that don’t meet your standards.
If you have difficulty standing or being in the sun, please have someone else pick up for you.
Absolutely no line jumping saving spots for other clients, holding spots with bags, carts, rocks, etc. Anyone caught doing so will be asked to go to the end of the line.
Do not arrive more than 30 minutes before distribution.
Smoking is prohibited in line! If you must smoke, please step away from the clients and volunteers.
No pets in the distribution line, please. Service animals specifically trained to aid a person with disabilities are welcome.
Drive-thru Distribution
Available at Palisades Only
For vehicles representing multiple households, a keycard will need to be scanned for each household. Each individual household you pick-up for must register separately and provide you with their keycard.
Each vehicle can pick up for a maximum of four (4) households.
Please have your trunk or tailgate cleared so that food may be placed in safely and efficiently.
Food will be placed directly into the trunk of the vehicle. Driver’s windows must be down. If you are unable to open your trunk or if it is not cleared, you will be asked to load your food independently.
To minimize traffic and waiting times, please do not show up more than 30 minutes before the distribution start time. If arriving prior to start time, BCOC is not responsible for maintaining line spots. Please do not block any pedestrian walkways or bike paths.
Fresh Connect and the distribution organizers reserve the right to refuse service to individuals who do not comply with the rules and regulations established for each drive-thru food distribution.
Weather Policy
Fresh Connect operates every week, rain or shine, except during severe weather. Examples of severe weather include days when actual temperatures are below 32 degrees or when the temperatures feel like they are below 32 degrees; when heat advisories or excessive heat warnings have been issued; during periods of heavy rain or snow; during thunder and lightning storms. It is our obligation to make the safety of our clients, volunteers, and staff our top priority.
Closure announcements will be posted on our website, social media, and on the Fresh Connect phone line no later than 7 a.m. the day of the distribution that is being cancelled. Please visit bcoc.org or call 215-345-8175, Option 1, for Fresh Connect up-to-date closure information.