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Appreciated Stocks, Mutual Funds & IRAs

Appreciated Stocks, Mutual Funds & IRAs

The Opportunity Council accepts gifts of securities including stock, bonds and mutual funds.  You are entitled to take a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the appreciated securities held longer than one year.  In addition, you will likely avoid paying the capital gains tax if securities were sold.

The Opportunity Council also accepts gifts from IRA distributions.  Please consult your tax advisor with questions about IRA distributions.

Gifts of Appreciated Stock are an easy way to make a significant contribution to BCOC.  You can save on taxes with a direct stock donation.  You still get a charitable deduction.

If your stock is held in a brokerage account, send a letter of instruction to your broker or banker with a full description of the securities and your gift’s intended purpose.  BCOC’s stock account is listed below.

Penn Advisors Financial Resources
DTC# 0075
Account #1049-2910
Bucks County Opportunity Council, Inc.

More resources on stock donations

Fidelity Charitable: 

Click on the image below, for reasons to donates stock to a charity.

Donor Advised Funds:

BCOC accepts donations from Donor Advised Funds from a variety of companies including Fidelity, Vanguard, the Philadelphia Foundation and others.

IRA Contributions:

If you have an IRA and would like to contribute through your IRA versus taking the required minimum distributions, consider making a gift to BCOC right through your IRA.  Yes, if you are 70½ or older, you can transfer up to $100,000 to charity tax-free each year — even if that’s more than your RMD. The money counts as your required minimum distribution but isn’t included in your adjusted gross income.

Please contact Joe Cuozzo, Director of Development with any questions about a stock donation, a Donor Advised Fund or through an IRA at [email protected] or 215-345-8175 x204