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Adopt A Family

Adopt A Family

Sponsor a local family that is working toward economic self-sufficiency!

Bucks County Opportunity Council (BCOC) is the designated Community Action Agency for Bucks County. To achieve our mission of reducing poverty and partnering with our community to promote economic self-sufficiency, we offer the opportunity for the community to directly support a family through Adopt-A-Family.

BCOC matches you with a Bucks County family working to improve their lives and achieve economic self-sufficiency. Donors help their sponsored family by filling a family’s “wish list” during the year, helping families in large ways and small that can prevent crisis and build a better future. A BCOC Coach works with every recipient family to identify their most pressing needs, and every family is engaged in a long-term process of assessment, income maximization, education and job search in order to help the family make progress over time, and eventually to leave poverty permanently.

BCOC manages the program to ensure everyone’s security and privacy. Sponsors get regular updates on how their family is doing, and what their specific needs may be. Donors may remain anonymous if they choose.

Learn More About Adopt-a-Family

How much does it cost to sponsor a family?

BCOC will match you with a family, and provide you with a personalized list of the things they need. BCOC asks donors to commit to a minimum donation value based on the number of people in the family; it can be a cash donation (check, cash or online), or gift cards or other items.

Recommended levels of support (Donors may give at their discretion; there is no limit):

$50/month for a family of 2 or $600 per year
$85/month for a family of three, or $1,020 a year
$115/month for a family of four or five, or $1,380 a year

Cash donations are placed in an escrow account for the family, to be accessed by their case manager for specific needs- such as gas/electric, rent, car repairs, gas for their cars, and other emergencies. During the summer, you can help purchase or provide for school supplies and clothing, or haircuts; in November and December you can provide help for holiday meals, and gifts. As many of our clients are enrolled in school, assistance with tuition, books, and gas cards are always a great help too.

Over the year, donations may also include items such as basic pantry supplies, warm winter clothing, cleaning supplies, birthday “kits” for kids, children’s or baby items (if applicable) and paper products. Gift cards are always welcome; we provide you with the names of stores convenient to our families.

Packages can be dropped off at the BCOC office near them (Doylestown, Bristol or Quakertown). You are encouraged to include a personal message from you and your own household or group. Donors receive a thank you note from their recipient family.

How long is my commitment?

Families are working toward a long-term goal of self-sufficiency, which usually takes years. We ask donors to commit to a 1 year period of support.

Can my group (Church/neighborhood/Troop) sponsor a family?

Yes! The Adopt-A-Family program is a great opportunity for schools, faith-based groups, businesses, and benevolent organizations.

How are families chosen?

Families enrolled in BCOC programs that assist them with achieving self-sufficiency are considered. BCOC coaches recommend and ask the family if they would like to participate.

Can I choose my family?

Because we value the security and privacy of the families we work with, we are very careful to protect their confidentiality. While you can’t choose a specific family, you can ask to be matched with a family based on family size, area of residence, or family with young children or senior. While we cannot guarantee we have a family that is an exact match, we will do our best!

Can I contact my family directly?

For the security of both family and sponsor, BCOC serves as the “go-between” for communications between you and your family.

Will I get a chance to meet my family?

While the decision to meet is up to both sides—the donor and the recipient family—many families are eager to say “thank you” in person, while others prefer to keep their information confidential, for various reasons. Donors may remain anonymous.

Get Started

To participate in BCOC’s Adopt-a-Family Initiative,

Click here

or for further questions, contact:

Eileen Albillar, Volunteer and Community Connections Manager
[email protected]
Phone: 215-345-8175 ext. 209